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02 SQL: Basics_Writing Queries (3)

by treethicket 2023. 2. 11.

(source: Codecademy, https://www.codecademy.com)

LIMIT : specify the maximum number of rows the result set will have

CASE : create different outputs (usually in the SELECT statement)

  • Each WHEN tests a condition and the following THEN gives us the string if the condition is true
  • The ELSE gives us the string if all the above conditions are false
  • The CASE statement must end with END
  • Rename the whole CASE statement to ‘Mood’ using AS

Let’s summarize:

  • SELECT is the clause we use every time we want to query information from a database.
  • AS renames a column or table.
  • DISTINCT return unique values.
  • WHERE is a popular command that lets you filter the results of the query based on conditions that you specify.
  • LIKE and BETWEEN are special operators.
  • AND and OR combines multiple conditions.
  • ORDER BY sorts the result.
  • LIMIT specifies the maximum number of rows that the query will return.
  • CASE creates different outputs.

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