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02 SQL: Basics_Writing Queries (2)

by treethicket 2023. 2. 10.

(source: Codecademy, https://www.codecademy.com)

BETWEEN two 'letters'
BETWEEN two 'number'

BETWEEN : filter the result set within a certain range

  • BETWEEN two letters is not inclusive of the 2nd letter
  • BETWEEN two numbers is inclusive of the 2nd number

AND : combine multiple conditions

  • AND operator displays a row if all the conditions are true

OR : combine multiple conditions

  • OR operator displays a row if any condition is true

ORDER BY : sort the results, either alphabetically or numerically

  • DESC is a keyword used in ORDER BY to sort the results in descending order (high to low or Z-A)
  • ASC is a keyword used in ORDER BY to sort the results in ascending order (low to high or A-Z)

Note: ORDER BY always goes after WHERE (if WHERE is present)

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